Search engine-optimized header tags. What are they? Why are they important? Who cares?…
We do! These little tags may seem insignificant, but trust us; they can make a huge difference in how your website performs in Google’s search results. In this article, we discuss exactly what header tags are, how to optimize them, and how you can use them to build on your website’s SEO strategy for maximum visibility and success. So let’s get into it!
What are header tags?
In HTML, a piece of text that is marked as a heading is called a “header tag.” There are different levels of heading tags, from h1> to h6>. The highest level is h1>, and the lowest is h6>. Regarding SEO, header tags organize the information on a webpage and let search engines know what the page is about. They can also give people a quick summary of what’s on a page. We like to compare header tags to the chapter headings of a textbook. You have your main chapter (h1), sections (h2), subsections (h3), and so on. For us, looking at header tags that way makes them a lot easier to work with.
Best Practices:
We know firsthand how important it is to optimize your page’s header tags for search engines. And one key way to do that is through the strategic use of header tags.
These little HTML are a small detail, but they can make a big impact on your website’s search rankings and user experience.
Here are our five best practices for maximizing the power of header tags in your SEO strategy.
Use header tags to organize and structure the content on your page.
This guides search engines to understand the main topics of your page and how they relate to each other.
Use header tags to highlight important information and make it easy for readers to find what they’re looking for.
But don’t overdo it – too many header tags can dilute their impact and make your page look spammy. Stick to the important stuff and use them to give your page structure.
Use the appropriate heading level – <h1> for the main heading, <h2> for subheadings, and so on.
This helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your content.
Use descriptive and relevant words and phrases that accurately describe the content on your page
When it comes to the text in your header tags, it’s crucial to use them for relating content to the topic of your page. Google can then understand your content and can also improve the relevance of your page for specific search queries.
Be careful not to stuff your header tags with too many keywords
People do this all the time in an attempt to manipulate search rankings. This can hurt your SEO efforts and make your page appear spammy to search engines. If you don’t know what you’re doing, this is where an SEO & Content Marketing Agency can help.
These are some simple but effective tips for optimizing your header tags for SEO. Implement these strategies and watch your website rise in the search rankings. Now let’s talk about how you optimize them in some popular web builders.
How to edit your header tags on WordPress, Shopify & 50CS websites:
H1 tags on WordPress are usually the title of the page/post. All you need to do is change the title for a quick update. If you want to optimize more content on the page, follow these steps.
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page or post where you want to edit the header tags.
- Click on the text tab in the editor. This will allow you to see the HTML code for your page or post.
- Find the header tag that you want to edit. It should look something like this: <h2>Your Header Text Here</h2>.
- To edit the text within the header tag, simply delete the existing text and type in the new text that you want to use.
- Remember to click the “Update” button to save your changes.
Shopify Products:
H1 tags on Shopify are also typically the title/name of the product and all you need to do is change the title for a quick update. If you want to dig more into header tags, follow these steps.
- Log in to your Shopify store’s dashboard and navigate to the product page where you want to edit the header tags.
- Scroll down to the “Product Description” section and click on the text editor to enter HTML mode.
- Find the header tag that you want to edit. It should look something like this: <h2>Your Header Text Here</h2>.
- To edit the text within the header tag, simply delete the existing text and type in the new text that you want to use.
- Remember to click the “Save” button to save your changes.
50 Creative Solutions Web Builder:
If you have a website built with us, it’s easy to change any bit of text on the site.
- Log in to your 50CS account and navigate to the page where you want to edit the header tags.
- Click on the text element that contains the header tag that you want to edit.
- In the text editor, find the text that you want to edit and make the changes directly there. This could be any text element you choose, you can also select the “Style” dropdown to change the header type to your liking.
- When you’re done, click the “republish” button to publish your changes.
That’s it! You can now successfully edit and optimize your header tags like a pro!
We hope you learned a lot about the importance of SEO header tags in this article. Don’t underestimate these little guys, they can make a huge difference in how your website performs in search results. We discussed what header tags are, how to optimize them, and how to use them to optimize your website for maximum visibility and success.
We also shared my five best practices for maximizing the power of header tags in your SEO strategy, which includes using header tags to structure and organize your content, highlighting important information, using the appropriate heading level, using descriptive and relevant text, and avoiding keyword stuffing.
Lastly, we also broke down how to edit header tags on popular website builders like WordPress, Shopify, and 50CS website builder. Remember, the key is to consistently implement well-devised strategies to your website to rise in the SERPs. So go out there and start optimizing your header tags and watch your website soar to the top!
Give us a call if you’re looking for help with your SEO strategy. We have a great team that can get you the organic results you’re looking for!
BONUS: 5 things not to do when optimizing your header tags
- Don’t stuff your header tags with too many keywords: Hold on a minute! Don’t go stuffing your header tags with a bunch of unnecessary keywords to manipulate your search rankings. Trust me, the search engines will see right through that trick, which will only hurt your SEO efforts. Keep it natural.
- Don’t use the wrong heading level: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Make sure you’re using the appropriate heading level for each piece of content. <h1> should be reserved for your main heading, <h2> for subheadings, and so on. Don’t go skipping levels or using the wrong tags, or you’ll confuse both the search engines and your readers.
- Don’t use header tags unnecessarily: Don’t go crazy with the header tags, folks. Only use them to highlight the most important information on the page and to give the page structure. Don’t use them for every single line of content, or you’ll dilute their impact and make your page look cluttered.
- Don’t use vague or unrelated text in your header tags: Come on, let’s be honest here. If you want the search engines and your readers to understand what your page is about, you need to use descriptive and relevant text in your header tags. Don’t get too vague or use unrelated words and phrases – that just confuses everyone.
- Don’t ignore the power of header tags: Don’t make the mistake of thinking that header tags don’t matter. These tiny details can have a big impact on your website’s search rankings and user experience. Make sure to use them wisely and optimize them properly for the best results.